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Andrew Megison and Patrick Williams met in 2022 and within months began making the music of Mach Bend. Previously, Megison released two feature films (Father-Like Son, The Bobcat Boys), while Williams has written two full-length novels (Earnest Money and the Abstract Truth, The Normal Motel). After living in New Orleans and Los Angeles, respectively, they moved to Chattanooga during the COVID pandemic: by day, one replaces jawbones with leg bones and the other shapes ionizing radiation therapy to ablate cancers. The meeting of the minds realized a shared love for psychedelic sounds, punchy drum hooks, and dizzying arpeggios. By night, they craft melodies influenced by psychedelic-synth-dream pop. The mission: to share the music of their superconscious states of mind. Speed up, slow down – Mach Bend.